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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I've moved!!


bye blogger:)

let's bend and break..

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Haven't beeen bloggging lately. Prolly too lazy to blog or i find blogging really boring. Oh well. Okay, i'm going to talk about what i've beeen doing for the past few days:)

25th October, Saturday.

Okay, on Saturday, during tuition or maybe 5 mins before tuition was gonna end, i received a message from Glenda and she asked me to meet her at city hall and have dinner with charlene and her. It was 6.55pm. yes. i was so angry ok! she never tell me earlier because i was wearing T-SHIRT, SHORTS AND SLIPPERS. So i called her and screamed on the phone and everything and being really PARANOID because i never go city hall so casually before! I called many people and asked for their opinions and they were like, it's fine la. I trusted them. BUT. It was not a goood experiece at all. Firstly, i took the mrt to city hall with jessica and people were already looking at me. Next, as i was walking at city link mall, alot of people stared at me with the "why you dressed like that" look and i was so embarrassed ok! So, anyway, went to marina, cafe cartel to meet the both of them and Glenda Yap, who said she won't laugh, laughed. THANKS. so yeah.

After we had our dinner, we went shopping. WINDOW SHOPPING for me rather. I just couldnt find anything i like. It's either too expensive or not my type at all. Miss Yap, however, bought 2 tops from zara. funfair la she. We took pictures too!
Oh, when we were walking to the mrt station, glenda called vanessa and she happened to be at city hall too so we decided to meeet her. When we were at the platform, suddenly this group of people shouted GLENDAAAAAAA!! my heart dropped for you too, glenda. the station practically became quiet for 5 seconds. hahaha!! funnaye. so... Daddy fetched me from the mrt station and as i was walking to the car he gave me this 'why u wearing that' look. OH WELL.

That.was.my.first.and.last.experience.of.wearing.casual.clothes.out. it was awful!

26th October, Sunday.
well, nothing really happened on Sunday, except the fact that i DIDNT go to church.. as usual, someone tried to make me guilty... oh well.

27th October, Monday.


We celebrated Carmen and Dalia's birthday today! Went to east coast park, ate macs, and rode bicycles. the people who went were: Gabby, Azmina, Glenda, Clara and I. I SWEAR THE BICYLCES SUCK! Clara and azmina stopped like 18 times because their bicycle chains kept coming out. and the best part. IT WAS RAINING. we rode the bikes in the rain. FUN, but cold.
I couldnt make it in time for Karibs. OH WELL. We went to the twins house after that and admire their pets the whole time and had pizza! yum yum.

We left the house at around 7pm and i headed for Glenda's house! She just shifted and I WAS SUPPOSE TO SHIFT THERE last time. but didnt. LUCKY. hhahaha! We took many retarded pictures using her macbook. i'll get her to send me the pics then i will post. hahahaha we looked super unglam. haha. so i left her house at like 9 and went home and had a fight with my father. oh well.
28th October, Tuesday


29th october, Wednesday

School as usual in the morning and since i dont do bio, i get to go home at 11.45! People were really jealous of the 8 of us:):):) hehehe. SO Natalie and I went to Glenda's house for fun. was suppose to go watch HSM but somebody can only go out once for the whole holidays so we will treasure that one day ok NATALIE! ahahhaa. SO, we went to SHELL station to get some snacks like nachos and ordered macs. WE BOUGHT A TUB OF ICE CREAM hoping we could eat finish but it did not happen because of the macs. so now it's still dwelling at Glenda's house. I seriously felt like a pig. eat eat eat so much.
Natalie left first cos she had tuition and i decided to wait for a while more because charlene was supposedly on her way to Glenda's house because they were going for KANYE, but i decided to leave first.. so yeah.
Since the physics girls don't take bio, we had 2 hours break! so debra, Natalie and i went to macs to have breakfast:) We went to borders to play find WOLLY! hehe. AFter school, i went to pp with Glenda, Vanessa and Gen low AGAIN. pp twice a day. not fun. AFter lunch, Gen low and i went to find paper for the graduation party coming up and the other two went to get their halloweeen stuffff. And there I'M HOMEE! hhehehe
Pictures soon! when i get them from glenda. Oh well. long post!

let's bend and break..

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Our cheer sucked okay! we were disqualified. cos we did class cheer instead of KC cheer? Maybe even if we weren't disqualified we will lose too. At first it was super nice not really but nice, but mrs teo didnt like it and changed it and so we only had like what 5 mins to prepare?!?! FIVE MINUTES!?!? yeah at first it was going along with the tune of hot and cold by katy parry? yeah. so it ended up becoming some rubbish.

Anyway, everyone got promoted to S4 in my class! Yesterday was the first day of structured lessson... We moved to the sec 4 block alr. and it really freaks us out. THE TEACHERS ARE CALLING US SEC FOURS ALR! ahhhh! sec 4 means O levels. dang it.

On the brighter side....
I'm so excited for council camp! im going for council camp instead of church camp, since this council camp would be the last one for the sec 3s.. sad. confirm going to KL on the 28th of November and many other dates since by father goes to KL like every 2 weeeks. The whole family's going. awesome. OH NO. THE DOGS! ooops. nvm, there's my maid and grandmother.

I HAVE TUITION IN 2 HOURS TIME! I spent my whole night yesterday and today afternooon doing my hmwk. argh. no rest.

I NEEEED TO GO SHOPPPPING! It's a really desperate case:) i've been stuck at home ever since exams ended. i neeed some PROPER shopping dude! I neeed to buy lots of things. i already have a list;) HAHHAHA!! oh, and simpang with sharelda. PRATA YO!

i realise bloggging's reallly really boring... so, i'll only blog once in a while... oh well. BYE.

let's bend and break..

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Tomorrow's everyone's last day of school but not for the secondary 3s. WE.HAVE.STRUCTURED.LESSONS. It's not fair! These few days when the sec ones and twos have excursions, WE, SEC 3s, HAVE NORMAL TIME TABLE. What is this!? I'm so stresssed. I was dong my maths hmwk the other day and my father asked me " Why are you studying?" HAHA. argh. so pisssssed. SPA SPA SPA. Science Practical Assessment is coming! and it's gonnna be included in our O levels. shit

Anyway, went to swensens with gabby and ah chu yesterday and went to swensens with mummy and terrence today. FATS! argh..
Council Camp and Church Camp coming up!

Haiya, lazy to blog. bye.

let's bend and break..

Monday, October 20, 2008

you see, councillors are NOT suppose to post any pictures of us in schoool uniform. So hopefully, this post will be gone soon!

OK, today, we had post exams activities. SO, we had to go to east coast TO SUPPOSEDLY, BOND. YES BOND. It's like a class bonding thing. so yeah, like we dont know everyone well enough. HAHA. ok. In the morning, the weather was threatening, so we had to wait for the OK signal to leave. so everything was delayed. I was so happy we could go, i don wanna stay in school. BORING KNOW! Ok, so i was in the games sector, so we played many games and had the time of our lives! I REALLY ENJOYED MYSELF TODAY!

SO.. when we were eating... i started to feeeel raindrops! so i shouted for mrs chua! so she said ok everyone LEAVEE!! but the rain was soooo heavy that we decided to take shelter under the hut thing. OHOHOH! this couple from INDIA wanted to take a picture with us, so ok lor. at the same time, we took our class photo tooo! hehe!
WE WALKED BACK TO SCHOOOL IN THE RAIN! damn fun! i lent mrs chua my umbrella.
you seee la, when i bring my umbrella that time everybody say i auntie, den when they neeed all come to me. WHAT IS THIS. tsk.

Ok, so went back to school and practically the whole sec 3 level were walking around the school barefooted:) i brought slippers. smart huh;) HAHA!everyone's hair was wet. awesomeeee.
(it's illegal, mind you. haha)

omg coolnesss, we did the same thing.


hahhahaaha i know your hair wet la.

we were comparing who's mouth bigger;)

awww, natalie got cutt offf.


let's bend and break..

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Yesterday was youth day rally! It's an event where ALL Secondary 3 catholic youths come together to praise and worship! It's also to prepare us for our confirmation next year. IT WAS SUPER AWESOME!

So, everyone has to be in their respective churches at 1pm for programmes to prepare us for the youth rally. So there was ice breakers and everything. S
UPER BORING. Okay, so at around like 5, everyone had to change into the shirts and eat our dinner.
So we departed for TOA PAYOH SPORTS HALL at around 6. It only took 5 minutes from paya lebar?! shocking. OK, as it is a sports hall, it stank. ok never mind about that.
The minute i got off the bus, my main purpose was to FIND NATALIE CHUA, since she kept calling me. so yeah, we went to out allocated seats and i called Natalie. IT WAS SUPER NOISY and it was gonna start so she knew where i sat cos i described and waved to her but i didnt know where she was cos she kept looking fo
r me and don wanna tell me where she's sitting. so yeah.
Then, the emcees got each church to stand up and
scream and thats when i knew where Natalie was. DIRECTLY OPPOSITE ME. hahaha!

PRAISE AND WORSHIP WAS FREAKING AWESOME! After much deliberation, and without telling our catechists, carmen, dalia, lisabeth, stefanie and i went to OLPS side. SO I WAS JUMPING WITH NATALIE! awesomeeeeeeee!!! I had SOOOO much fun. Everyone demanded for ONE WAY but the emcees were like. ya'll want one way? there is one way, which is the exit. ya'll have to go home! ANNOYING! And natalie shouted: "YA'LL JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY!" haha funny. ok, i saw Germaine, and holy family is not enthu and together at all. i use to think they were like really spontanious and everything, but NO. i think my church had the second smallest population? But when the emceees called for our church WE WERE AS LOUD AS THE BIG GROUPS.;) awesomeeee. HOLY TRINITY(my younger brother's school) had the biggest population! It was really shocking.

OHOHOH something really freaky happened. When the priests was walking around with the eucharist, it was like suppose to be a solemn thing and everyone was singing this slow "song" sontinuously la. So when the priests walked past the church beside ours, this girl started screaming like " AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH! AHH!! ......." continuously. I knew she was touched by the holy spirit la. but it was seriously really scary. cos it w
as so quiet then suddenly this girl started screaming continuously. scaryyyyyyyy. so yeah, she was TOUCHED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.

I WAS TOUCHED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT ONCE TOO. cannot imagine huh. OK, it happened during my sec 2 confirmation camp in church. So, all of us had to go to our facilitators one by one to tell them our problems and get prayed over la. So, it was my turn. and since the facilitators i went to was my catchist and another girl. i know them well la. so i went up to them and said, i have no problems lehh. Then they were like. ok nvm, we'll just pray over you then. THEN, WHEN THEY WERE PRAYING
FOR ME (they were also singing..), I STARTED CRYING LIKE MAD! And i didnt know why. i just couldnt stop! so scary rite. but i felt really LIGHT after that. So yeah, that was my experience. I think its coool. HAHA!


Dalia, me, Carmen and Stefanie!


here, evidence!

He was talking rubbish. AHAH!

drunk old man. AHAHHA!

OH yeah, church camp on the 7, 8 and 9 of november. i really don wanna go. i rather council camp. so we're trying to ask carmen to make council camp and church camp clash cos she's in the EXCO. so yeah.

OH YEAH, CONGRATULATIONS GLORIA. ( i know you're reading this)

ALRIGHT, i shall go and do my maths tuition hmwk now, crazy huh. after exams still have tuition. OH WELLL.

let's bend and break..

Friday, October 17, 2008

I'm actually really shocked. but yeah. hahaha!

English was super awesome. I PASSED. SO MUCH FOR CRYING! My dad's super annoying, he said that roots cannot be grandmother? And when i called him during recess that i passed my english, he was like SEE i told you that roots CAN be your grandmother. And i was like, FYI, i got 16/30 for free writing and the teacher said she was being generous. so i got 16 cos of my english. stupid la he!

ENGLISH: 67/100(YAY!)
A maths:87/100
E maths: 83/100
Geography: 75.5/100 (YAY!)
chinese: 60/100
physics: 60/100
combined humanities: 61/100
CHEMISTRY: 56/100( YAY!)

okay, im not boasting here. melshen made sense. i asked her " I shouldn't blog about my results rite? Later people think im boasting. " she said:" It does not matter. means only when your results low den you blog about it?" HAHA. funny.

I went for my dental appointment yesterday and i cannot talk properly now, i cant even eat! My dentist said that one of my brackets broke so my teeth has beeen pushed in. So, my treatment is delayed by 3 months, not including the remaining time. so i think around 6 months more? damn it. i really hate BRACES ok it seriously sucks. I reallly hate it. And now the wire is like cuttting my lips, SO THERE'S THIS CUT ON MY LIPS. AND THERE'S BLOOD. damn pain! and i lost my WAX! ARGH,

I conclude that yesterday, MY FATHER WAS DRUNK. We went down for my auntie's taoist thing la. dinner. and they served my dad stout. HIS FACE WAS RED AND HE WAS LAUGHING LIKE MAD. it was super funnny! THEN! when the waitresss poured more stout for my father, MY FATHER STARED AT THE WOMAN AND WINKED AT HER! like omg! HAHAHAA. we were all laughing like mad! HAHA! and i looked at my mother. My mum was like, I DONT KNOW HIM. HAHAHAHA so funny, he was laughing NON STOP!? ahaha! After a while, i decided to go home cos i couldnt take it. ALL THE SMOKE AND EVERYTHING. so yeah.

TODAY WE HAD THE EMERGENCY DRILL! it was damn funny. I'm in charge of the secondary ones la. it was so annoying. all of them don listen one. okay besides that point. The whole school had to walk to VJC. HAHA damn fun. LUCKY FOR CARMEN, if not i would be walking all by myself:) so yeah, we were playing, taking our time to walk to VJC. HAA! funny.
Oh and there's this girl, when she entered VJC, she said " how i wish this was VS"
FUNNY SHIT OMG! Hhaa DESPERADO. haha! yeah walked back.. everyone took the long way, but we used the back gate of VJC (shhhhhh.) HA!

Had tuition today... yeah... ok my dad neeeds the computer now(mine's still under repair). BYE!

let's bend and break..


Turning sweet 16th on the 17th of May next year:) i love watching soccer, TENNIS, WWE. call me a girl please.
small things makes me happy, small things make me pisss:)
reading is actually fun!
alright, enjoy the blog and go kick some ass.

Crap your way..